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Autodesk 3DS MAX 8.0 新功能演示

时间:2005-11-05 21:19:04人气:131作者:网友整理
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3DS MAX 8.0 本站下载地址:http://www.smzy.com/Soft/rjxz/cg/8691.html

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3ds Max 8 Features

To save these videos, right-click on the link and "save target as..." or "download to disk".

Asset Tracking

Take a look at the new Asset Tracking tools in 3ds Max 8. Now you can easily connect yourself to any number of standard source control systems or use the Autodesk Vault system for free.

Windows Media: 150k | 350k
Quicktime: 180k | 380k

Pelt Mapping

If you are like most people, you hate mapping.  3ds Max 8 now includes a tool that not only makes mapping easy but also fun.

Windows Media: 150k | 350k
Quicktime: 180k | 380k

Skin and Edit Poly

Learn what抯 new in Skin and what makes it extremely powerful in a production pipeline. See updates to the Edit Poly tools including the Paint Deform system.

Windows Media: 150k | 350k
Quicktime: 180k | 380k


The Biped system is further enhanced in 3ds Max 8 to allow higher fidelity animation and more powerful animation workflows.

Windows Media: 150k | 350k
Quicktime: 180k | 380k

Load/Save Animation

3ds Max 8 now includes the new .XAF file format for storing and loading animation data in an XML file.  Motion can now be moved from character to character in a pipeline and retargeted to account for different scale characters and objects.

Windows Media: 150k | 350k
Quicktime: 180k | 380k

Non-Linear Animation

The Animation Mixer from Character Studio has been updated to work with all 3ds Max objects.  Load complex 3ds Max rigs, Bipeds, and hybrid rigs all in the same mixer.

Windows Media: 150k | 350k
Quicktime: 180k | 380k


See the new, dramatically faster and name-independent scripted controllers as well as the new Limit controller.

Windows Media: 150k | 350k
Quicktime: 180k | 380k


Check out the Hair system in 3ds Max 8, based on Joe Alter抯 industry standard hair solution.

Windows Media: 150k | 350k
Quicktime: 180k | 380k


Cloth has received a number of major improvements since its release on subscription in 3ds Max 7.  Cloth now has a faster, more capable solver and many workflow enhancements.

Windows Media: 150k | 350k
Quicktime: 180k | 380k

Direct X

3ds Max continues to lead the industry in its ability to use Direct X shaders in the view port.  Check out the improved Direct X material and the new scene shaders display.

Windows Media: 150k | 350k
Quicktime: 180k | 380k

Open EXR

3ds Max now fully supports the powerful open EXR image format for both output and as a map type.

Windows Media: 150k | 350k
Quicktime: 180k | 380k

New Adaptive Tessellation in Radiosity

The radiosity rendering engine now adaptively tessellates objects to only put geometric detail where lighting information is changing. This allows for much better radiosity solutions with far less overhead.

Windows Media [5.9MB]
QuickTime [7.9MB]

File Linking and Mapping Improvements

This video demonstrates the new improvements to the File Link feature and the application of materials. File Link's connection to Revit?functionality has been dramatically improved, allowing importation of materials and more. Also all mapping and materials have an option for defining real world scale.

Windows Media [12.9MB]
QuickTime [16.3MB]

Check out even more demo videos for 3ds Max and Autodesk?Character Studio?

New Import and Export Options

3ds Max can import Autodesk Inventor?files if Autodesk Inventor is installed on your machine. The ability to export to DWF has also been added. This is Autodesk's standard file viewer. The viewer can be downloaded free from the web and allows you to send clients 3D content for approval even if they don't have 3ds Max.

Windows Media  [3.4MB]  
QuickTime [4.6MB]

Scene State, Batch Render, and mental ray?3.4

Scene States is a new tool in 3ds Max that allows you to save multiple scene configurations in a single 3ds Max file. For instance, you can have a single 3ds Max file with an unlimited number of states that define different lighting setups and material properties. When combined with the new Batch Render tool, this is a powerful new tool for design visualization, film/video, and games.

Windows Media [10.8MB]  
QuickTime [12.5MB]

New Sweep Modifier

Sweep is a modifier that allows you to quickly extrude shapes along complex paths. This simplifies and improves the process of creating trim on walls, complex pipe networks, or any other obviously extruded objects.

Windows Media [6.4MB]  
QuickTime [8.8MB]


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